Alpha This is new — please say hello if you have any feedback or view the product backlog Service Proposal

Publish information about a service that is provided to the public and the geographical area it covers

Use the Service schema to publish on your website information about services you provide

Who this is for

Why to use use this format

This format helps a charity publish information about the services they provide and areas of the country that it covers, the people it aims to help, and how to access the service. It can help funders and policy-makers understand gaps in service provision.

How to use this format schemas can be published allow publishers to add structured information to their web pages. The Service schema defines lots of fields that can be used to describe a broad range of services, including commercial ones. For the purposes of publishing information about services, the following are most important:

  • areaServed
  • audience
  • availableChannel
  • provider
  • serviceType
  • description
  • name
  • url

When to use this format

Use this format when your organisation creates a web pages that describes a service you provide. For example, a web page for an individual food bank or help line.

Status of this format

This is a proposal, it was suggested as part of the Catalyst data infrastructure project

Examples in the wild

  • There are no known examples. If you know of any, please suggest one here